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Available courses
- Teacher: Brenda Musonda
- Teacher: Willie Mzyece
- Teacher: Astol Hankombo
- Teacher: Fred kandandu
- Teacher: Brenda Musonda
- Teacher: Brenda Musonda
- Teacher: Willie Mzyece
- Teacher: David Geoffrey Baloyi
- Teacher: Rose Msimuko
- Teacher: Rabson Banda
- Teacher: Clive Chilobwa
- Lecturer: Clive Chilobwa
- Lecturer: Mudenda Christopher
- Teacher: Rabson Banda
- Teacher: Andrew Rice Shawa
- Teacher: James Fungaloko
- Teacher: Chibuye Ngosa
AS 361-Dairy Production
Target Group: Animal Science
Contact Hours: 7 Hours/ Week (4hours Theory and 3 Hours Practical)
Aim: To Impart Knowledge and Skills in Dairy Cattle and Dairy Goat Production
This Course Will Introduce Students to the Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals such as Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Pigs, Poultry and Rabbits
Upon Successful Completion of the Course Students Should be Able To:
i. Identify Different Breeds Of Dairy Cattle And Goats
ii. Conduct Routine Management Practices Of Dairy Cattle And Goats
iii. Keep Proper Dairy Records
Course Outline
1.0 Dairy Production
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Dairy Breeds
2.0 Dairy Cattle
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Production Trends
2.3 Dairy Production In Different Sectors
2.3.1 Tradition
2.3.2 Intermediate
2.3.3 Commercial
2.4 Anatomy Of The Udder
2.4.1 Secretory Tissue
2.4.2 Supportive Tissue
2.4.3 Blood And Nerves
3.0 Breeding
3.1 Reproduction
3.1.1 Reproductive Cycle: Fertilization, Gestation, Calving
3.1.2 Measures Of Reproductive Efficiency
3.2 Methods Of Breeding
3.2.1 Crossbreeding
3.2.2 Grading Up
4.0 Management
4.1 Rearing And Selection Of Dairy Breeding Animals
4.1.1 Replacement Heifers
4.1.2 Dairy Bulls
4.2 Breeding Dairy Cattle
4.2.1 Estrus Cycle-Pro-Estrus, Estrus, Metestrus, Diestrus
4.2.2 Signs Of Estrus
4.2.3 Artificial Insemination
4.2.4 Natural Service
4.3 Calving And Dystocia
4.4 Calf Rearing
4.4.1 Importance Of Colostrum
4.4.2 Bucket Rearing
4.4.3 Introducing Solids
4.4.4 Housing Calves
5.0 Milk Production
5.1 Annual Cycle Of The Dairy Cow
5.2 Anatomy Of The Udder
5.2.1 Secretory Tissue
5.2.2 Supportive Tissue
5.2.3 Blood And Nerves
5.3 Milk-Let Down Reflex
5.4 The Lactation Curve
5.4.1 Factors Affecting Milk Yield
5.4.2 Factors Affecting Milk Composition
5.5 Methods Of Milking
5.5.1 Hand Milking
5.6 Processing
5.6.1 Pasteurization
5.6.2 Milk Products-Cream, Butter, Cheese
5.6.3 Butter-Oil Making/Cheese
5.6.4 Cooling
5.6.5 Storage
6.0 Health And Disease
6.1 Disease Of The Udder
6.1.1 Mastitis-Casual Organisms, Predisposing Factors, Clinical Signs, Treatment, Prevention
6.1.2 Infertility Diseases And Their Casual Organisms, Clinical Signs And Control Brucellosis Trichomoniasis Anthrax Tuberculosis Blackleg
7.0 Feeding Management
7.1 Simple Ration Formulation
7.2 Maintenance/Production Rations
7.3 Mineral Supplementation
7.4 Dry Cow Feeding Using Forages
8.0 Record Keeping
8.1 Dairy Record Sheet For Milk Yield
8.2 Other Records Hand Milking And Parlor Sanitation
9.0 Dairy Goats
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Production Trends
9.1.2 Dairy Production In Different Sectors Traditional Intermediate Commercial
10.0 Anatomy Of The Udder
10.1 Secretory Tissue
10.2 Supportive Tissue
10.3 Blood And Nerves
11.0 Breeding
- Teacher: Brian Chimbanga
- Teacher: Choolwe Simafuta
- Teacher: Mukachikwikwi Hamakoko
- Teacher: George Mhango
This is a production course offered to second year students at Natural Resources Development College pursuing a diploma in Agriculture ( Agribusiness Mgt, Animal Science and Crop Science). The type of animals considered in this course are Non-ruminant animals or Monogastric animals .
- Teacher: Brian Chimbanga
- Teacher: George Mhango
- Teacher: Matthews Moonga
- Teacher: Clive Chilobwa
- Teacher: Davies Mwanza
- Teacher: Namukolo Aongola
The course is designed to provide foundation Mathematics to all programs in the college which requires knowledge of mathematics beyond that of secondary school Mathematics.
- Teacher: Racheal Kapembwa
- Teacher: Gorrettie Mwango
- Teacher: Gwen Tembo
- Teacher: Janet M. Mwaba
Botany is the science of plants, it is the branch of biology that deals with plant life. It is useful in several fields of life sciences including agriculture, agriculture education, food science, fisheries, horticulture, nutrition and conservation.
Modern botany is a broad, multidisciplinary subject with inputs from most of other areas of science and technology. This course also gives practical considerations as well as theories to build upon.
Modern botany is a broad, multidisciplinary subject with inputs from most of other areas of science and technology. This course also gives practical considerations as well as theories to build upon.
The course is delivered to third year students who pursue training in Agricultural Business Management, Animal Science, Crop Science, Agricultural Education and Horticulture.
The aims of the course is to enable students describe and identify different types of pests and diseases which affect crops in the field and storage and identify suitable management methods to combat the pests and diseases in a sustainable manner.
The specific objectives are that upon completion of the course, student should be able to:
- identify pests and diseases ravaging crops in the field and storage.
- recognize the symptoms associated to pests and diseases.
- demonstrate the management of pests and diseases in the field and storage
- Teacher: Isaac Sichivula
- Teacher: Nchimunya Himunyanga
- Teacher: Mutumpike Mabengwa
- Teacher: Isaac Sichivula
- Teacher: Floyd Mwenda
- Teacher: Ziezo Sikananu-Nchimunya
- Teacher: Namukolo Aongola
- Teacher: Floyd Mwenda
- Teacher: Ziezo Sikananu-Nchimunya
- Teacher: Namukolo Aongola
- Teacher: Rabson Banda
- Teacher: Floyd Mwenda
- Teacher: Willie Mzyece
- Teacher: Whisper Hansakali
- Teacher: Neleya Siyumbano
Fundamentals of Dietetics ( FN221) has a theory and Practical component.
The practical component will to expose the students to the basic functions expected of a nutritionist in a clinical setting.
The practical component will to expose the students to the basic functions expected of a nutritionist in a clinical setting.
- Teacher: Brenda Mbalamweshi
- Teacher: Janet M. Mwaba
- Teacher: Emeldah Pola
- Teacher: Brian Chimbanga
- Teacher: Helen Nkhata-Mukemu
- Teacher: Emeldah Pola
- Teacher: Chewe Mukuka
- Teacher: Emeldah Pola